W Healthcare NHS Trust v H and Another [2004]
A 59-year-old lady suffering from multiple sclerosis. Patient was severely disabled but not in permanent vegetative state. Her family...
Northwick Park hospital clinical trial incident in 2006
Six healthy young men were treated for organ failure after experiencing a serious reaction within hours of taking the CD28-SuperMAB in a...
Slippery Slope in Netherlands
This was based on the presentation at WFRtDS conference by Laura De Vito who is the legal representative of NVVE. NVVE is the largest...
Neuro-scientific Rationale for Assisted Suicide
This was based on the presentation made by President of WFRtDS Sean Davison. 1. Public believes suicide is an irrational thought. -...
Connolly v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust [2015]
Mrs Connolly asserted that she had consented to the procedure of low risk angiogram but not the complications had arisen resulting in the...
British Medical Association (BMA) recommendations for diet-related ill-health
1. Sugar Tax - increase pricing by 20% - using the tax to subsidise the sale of fruits and vegetables 2. Public-private partnership -...
How to address resource allocation in health in a fair and just manner?
The right to healthcare is limited and there are conflicts of access or right to healthcare e.g. when it happens that two persons both...
Food Law and Food Standard Agency in UK
Role of Food Standard Agency (FSA) 1. approve establishments and official controls 2. audit local authorities 3. set up code of practice...
Research Ethics Committee (REC)
Regulatory Strategies: 1. minimal risk and risk proportionate to research benefit 2. informed consent 3. no undue influence and...
Theory of Regulation - Decentred Regulation
Key Characteristics: 1. The government do not, and proposition that they should not have a monopoly on regulation and that regulation...