British Medical Association (BMA) recommendations for diet-related ill-health
1. Sugar Tax
- increase pricing by 20%
- using the tax to subsidise the sale of fruits and vegetables
2. Public-private partnership
- reduce the accessibility, availability and marketing of unhealthy food and drink products
3. Education, social marketing and health promotion
- healthy dietary behaviour
- health risks of a poor diet
- healthier diets in school
4. Consumer information
- displaying of nutritional information
5. Restrictions of mass media
- prohibit the marketing of unhealthy food and drink
- regulations prohibiting sponsorship of events or activities
6. Regulating industry practices
- decrease display of unhealthy foods in retailers
7. Restricting availability of unhealthy food or drink
- school food: set up food standard, more fruits and vegetables
- hospital food: set up food standard
- social caring food: set up food standard
8. Regulating the nutritional content of processed food and drink
9. The best example of diet-related ill-health is the emergency of beef-related Bovine Spongioform Encephalopathy in UK in 1990s