Chester v Afshar [2005]
A client advised by a neurological expert to perform surgery on low back pain. It was complicated by Cauda Equina Syndrome. She sued the...
Medical Innovation Bill United Kingdom
Saatchi Medical Innovation Bill [2013] proposed that doctors be permitted to use non-standard treatments for any medical condition....
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Foundation Trust v LM [2014]
An application was made by the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Foundation for a declaration that it would be lawful to withhold a blood...
North West Lancashire Health Authority v A, D & G [1999][2000]
Three respondents have transsexualism and attended Gender Identity Clinic and requested gender reassignment treatment. The health...
Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington Hospital Management [1969]
Three walk-in male patients attended Accident and Emergency Department but the medical officer just dismissed them. Later, one of them...
Vulnerable adults with capacity: court's jurisdiction - DL v A Local Authority [2012]
DL, a man in his 50s who lived with his mother and father had behaved aggressively towards his parents, physically and verbally,...
Pearce v United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust [1998] [1999]
A medical practitioner advised a mother to delay the induction of childbirth, but the child was then stillbirth. She complained that he...
Simms v Simms [2002] and Best Interest in Special Cases
A 18-year-old male and a 16-year-old female suffering from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) which rendered them mentally...

Janet Birch v University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Court of Appeal - Queen'
Birch was admitted because of vascular third nerve palsy and an angiogram by catheter was done with consent form signed but she was...
Controversies of In-Vitro Fertilization and IVF Tourism
Definition of infertility and its prevalence Infertility is defined as failure of pregnancy after one year of regular intercourse between...