The rights of indigenous peoples under international law
International law provides rules and arenas to further the interests of indigenous peoples. There are declarations passed by the United...
Safety of food and feed from genetically modified source
For genetically modified animals, the different toxicity tests are basically similar to those applied to genetically modified plants....
A well-known Anesthetic Awareness case in USA
When Sherman Sizemore underwent surgery in 2006, two types of anesthesia were required for the operation, paralytic agents, to prevent...
Dignity and Human Rights
Dignity is related to human rights. Traditional concepts of inherent dignity associate dignity with the possession of rationality and...
Conscientious Objection (CO)
CO arises when a person refuses to act according to a legal mandate or obligation, or an administrative order, on conscientious grounds,...
Confidentiality to Other Parties in the USA
How about the confidentiality to insurance company and employer related to the medical records during psychotherapy? Psychologists will...
Adolescent Confidentiality in the USA
A 14-year-old accompanied by her mother presents with complaints of nausea and vomiting for two weeks. After her mother leaves the room,...
A case on confidentiality in Netherlands
A 48-year-old woman who died of a lung embolism and a heart attack after being discharged from hospital. She had been treated in a...
Volk v DeMeerleer [2010] - a case on confidentiality in USA
A treating psychiatrist was charged with liability for his patient's homicidal actions in 2010. A lower court decided that the...
Revisit on Gillick Competence [1985]
Please review my blog on 15 November 2017 first before proceeding further on this blog. Gillick competence is a term originating in...